Friday, October 8, 2010

Much On My Mind.

the only time i ever post more than once a day is if i have too much on my mind.

tonight is one of those nights.

situation one:

a very dear friend of mind sent me a text tonight that brought tears to my eyes. all he said was "you looked very nice today." the reason i got so emotional: he never compliments me like that. ironically, today was my sweat shirt and ponytail day -- the day that i put little to no effort into getting ready.

situation two:

i had a rehearsal with my friend casey tonight. she is playing the piano for me when i sing in church this sunday. we ran through it the first time and in my mind, i sounded awful. as soon as the song ended, she looked at me and said,"wow. you have an amazing voice." it means so much to me when people say things like that. when it comes to self esteem, i have occasional issues.

i love my friends. they mean the world to me. whenever i am down, i know i can count on them to bring me back up again. particular friend brings out my best. hopefully you are reading. hopefully you know how much you really mean to me.

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